Centro Cultural Gabriel García Marquez by Rogelio Salmona, Main Entrance. Image by LA76 photography for a10studio
De vuelta en Paris tuvo la oportunidad de trabajar en la oficina de Le Corbusier, ahí completó durante casi 10 años lo que su breve paso por la escuela de Arquitectura de la Universidad Nacional no hubiera podido formar jamás. Durante su colaboración en la oficina de Le Corbusier participó en proyectos tan representativos como La capilla de Notre Dame du Haut en Ronchamp, la planeación de Chandigarh en India y el Plan Piloto para Bogotá.
Back in Paris he had the opportunity to work in the office of Le Corbusier, where during almost 10 years he completed what his brief stint in the school of Architecture of the National University would never have been able to form. During his collaboration in Le Corbusier’s office he participated in such representative projects as The Chapel of Notre Dame du Haut in Ronchamp, the planning of Chandigarh in India and the Pilot Plan for Bogotá.

Centro Cultural Gabriel García Marquez by Rogelio Salmona, ramps & circulations. Image by LA76 photography for a10studio
Su obra se caracteriza por la búsqueda de la identidad de la arquitectura Latinoamericana y en especial, la Colombiana. Salmona siempre supo traducir y expresar en su arquitectura todo lo que habría observado y absorbido en sus viajes, el mencionado viaje por el sur de España y norte de África se complementará con la tradición del uso del ladrillo (ver: ladrillo tolete bogotano) en la Arquitectura popular colombiana, para así desarrollar un lenguaje propio latinoamericano/Colombiano en su obra.
His work is characterized by the search for the identity of Latin American architecture and especially, the Colombian. Salmona always knew how to translate and express in his architecture everything he would have observed and absorbed during his travels, the aforementioned trip through Spain and Africa will be complemented by the tradition of using brick (see: brick tolete Bogotano) in the Colombian popular architecture, to develop in his work its own Latin American / Colombian language.

Centro Cultural Gabriel García Marquez by Rogelio Salmona, brick work detail. Image by LA76 photography for a10studio

Centro Cultural Gabriel García Marquez by Rogelio Salmona. Image by LA76 photography for a10studio
Es también notable como parte del “vacío” como elemento jerárquico en esta obra, la desintegración de las fachadas, permitiendo la contemplación de los elementos (el cielo, los cerros, los edificios coloniales) que rodean la ciudad de Bogotá. Sin duda un guiño a la observación y comprensión de los templos griegos por parte de Salmona, de los cuales mencionaba eran “…la plenitud vibrante del paisaje; su grandeza consistía en permitir la contemplación del lugar y de todos los lugares, en una suerte de visión simultánea. De modo que la función del templo, el alcance esencial de su arte era la revelación del lugar¨ (Arcila, 2007: 144)
It is also notable as part of the “vacuum” as a hierarchical element in this work, the disintegration of the facades, allowing the contemplation of the elements (the sky, the hills, the colonial buildings) that surround the city of Bogotá. Without a doubt a nod to the observation and understanding of Greek temples by Salmona, of which he mentioned were “… the vibrant fullness of the landscape; its greatness consisted in allowing the contemplation of the place and of all the places, in a sort of simultaneous vision. So the function of the temple, the essential scope of its art was the revelation of the place.¨ (Arcila, 2007: 144)

Centro Cultural Gabriel García Marquez by Rogelio Salmona. Image by LA76 photography for a10studio
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